TENNESSEE: Justice is Desperately Needed for Innocent Siblings Grant and Gracie Solomon, Subjected to Horrible Tragedy Without Help From Their Community. Story Needs More Coverage and More Support ASAP.

!!! IMPORTANT !!! – This is probably the most important thing I’ve spoken on in years. Please, please consider spending a couple minutes of your time reading this.

TW: Graphic and adult themes.
Don’t read this if you’re not in a good place to.

I tried to sum up these events just so you don’t have to pour over every document and video for weeks like I have, and you’ll still get the gist of it. That is my hope. This family needs your help. Today. And YOU can make a difference. They need people simply to care, share, and spread the word.

Will be blocking out certain words so FB doesn’t put me in FB jail.

This is regarding Grant and Gracie Solomon.

All they ever wanted was to live with their mother, Angie, a pharmacist, and a loving, protective mother. Grant loved to hang out with his girlfriend, play baseball, learn about Jesus and emulate him as much as he could, drink milkshakes with his best friend… a great teenager. Gracie is also religious. She loved to run track, laugh with her mom, and be with her big brother as much as she could.

Tragically, I must introduce you to Aaron Solomon…

a notoriously horrible father & husband, lover of insurance fraud, privileged and rich beyond reason, former sports reporter, cultist, violently Republican, Tennesseean news anchor, well-connected socialite, has a famous dad in TN, best friends with the governor of TN Gov. Bill LeeBill Lee, child molester & r*pist, controlling malignant narcissist, pathological liar, murderer, abuser, overly-excited litigant (took his ex to court HUNDREDS! of times because he needed to be in control), fake “Christian” SOB, ethically and morally bankrupt cretin who works at his cult’s “school” for children.

I put “school” in quotes because, not only is it a school connected to an extremist sect, the staff there are mandated reporters… yet they refused to help Grant or Gracie when they screamed, cried, begged for help. They even shoved Gracie in Aaron’s car after she was found shaking, crying, hiding from him in the principal’s office, begging staff not to let her dad take her home to m*lest her. They ignored Grant telling a staff member that’s friends with his dad, too, of course, that he was afraid for his life. Grace Christian Academy, Grace Christian Academy: You have blood on your hands.

Aaron did not stop at violating and terrifying his daughter her entire life.

He killed her protector, her best friend, her favorite person in the world: her big brother Grant.

Aaron killed his own son 2 weeks after Grant had turned 18. His dad knew he couldn’t control him much longer. Grant was considering filing for custody of Gracie to keep her away from their father, since Grant’s mom had tried and failed in the courts due to Aaron’s friendships, influence, and connections. Aaron Solomon murdered his firstborn child in broad daylight in Gallatin, Tennessee in July of 2020, after luring his son there under the pretense of an appointment to practice baseball at a place to do just that. Strangely, no appointment was made for Grant that day.


How about that.

Gallatin Police Department are too busy blocking anyone who brings Grant up, and refuse to investigate EXTREMELY suspicious circumstances (like, a monkey could’ve gazed at this crime scene and have known it was suspicious).

Nobody is going to stop bothering any of those who have been tagged about #justiceforgrant and #JusticeForGracie. You’d think it would be best to get on the right side of history ASAP before they get fired and/or imprisoned by the feds, but they seem not to care about anyone but themselves.

This case is a travesty of the highest level.
I am appalled. I am disgusted. And you should be, too.

Please care. Please share.
If you are able, it would be great if you would consider donating to help Angie & Gracie hire the best lawyers to get Grant’s case taken seriously as well as experts to exhume and autopsy his body (Aaron, of course, disallowed an autopsy). Donating also will help Gracie (who is only 16 years old) take her own dad to court for sexual abuse. She is just 16 years old.

Imagine how truly terrifying that must be, especially knowing what he is capable of.

These 2 wonderful and strong ladies deserve all of the support imaginable. It will take those of us with hearts and brains to help give them what is needed.

Humbly, I ask you to join in their fight.
Thank you for reading.

“I won’t know peace unless my dad is gone, and I know that. But I want justice for Grant, for my mom, for me.” – Gracie Solomon

I am an American citizen and this blog post is protected by the First Amendment. This is my opinion as a person who has been a missing persons advocate, truth seeker, and citizen who’s tired of seeing bad people make a mockery of justice in the United States.

I do not know any of these people in person. I have read Grant Solomon’s medical examination report, the incident report, viewed many videos, and read many articles on this case. I am not a therapist, a lawyer, a prosecutor, or anything of the type. If you want a definitive answer for yourself, I welcome you to study this case, but I warn you it is brutal and unforgiving to any good natured human being’s senses to witness an entire community of people, many who view themselves as “good Christians”, ignore 2 abused children and 1 traumatized mother as they beg everyone and their brother for help, and being dismissed, ignored, and mocked… for years… despite having substantial proof and evidence of their claims.

This article is an attempt to sum up the scenario for unknowing people who care about things such as this, while giving the reader a taste of the rage and devastation I felt doing an online investigation of these events.

2 thoughts on “TENNESSEE: Justice is Desperately Needed for Innocent Siblings Grant and Gracie Solomon, Subjected to Horrible Tragedy Without Help From Their Community. Story Needs More Coverage and More Support ASAP.

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